laser therapy

Laser therapy in podiatry is a non-invasive procedure that uses a focused beam of light energy to treat a variety of foot and ankle conditions. The laser energy is directed at the affected area to stimulate healing and reduce pain and inflammation. The procedure is generally quick, safe, and well-tolerated, with minimal side effects. If you’re interested in Laser Therapy or other foot care please contact us.

At Gauld Foot and Ankle, we offer laser therapy treatment
for a variety of conditions.

laser therapy for discolored toenails

laser therapy for discolored toenails

At Gauld Foot & Ankle we offer laser treatment for toenail fungus along with other treatment options. 

Laser treatment for discolored toenails is a non-invasive procedure that uses a laser to target the fungus responsible for the discoloration. The laser energy is directed at the affected area to kill the fungus, which then allows the healthy nail to grow in its place. This procedure is generally considered safe and effective, and is often used as an alternative to traditional oral or topical anti-fungal treatments. The procedure is usually done in-office, and multiple treatment sessions may be needed to achieve optimal results.

We know you will have questions. That is why we are here, to help. If you believe the problem with your nail is fungus, consult your West Cobb and Marietta Podiatrist , Dr. Sheth. We are ready to help with an effective treatment with a personal approach. Once we have evaluated your specific situation we will make suggestions for an effective and long lasting treatment plan.

laser therapy for plantar wart

Warts alone are uncomfortable and painful. Not only is laser treatment for warts an effective and safe treatment it is far less painful than other treatment options. The pain level has been compared to that of a rubber band snapping against your skin. Your Podiatrist may even use a local anesthesia if needed. Once the procedure is complete you will feel very little pain and should be completely healed between 2 and 4 weeks. 

Warts, will often go away on their own. It may take weeks or even months though. Warts can be unsightly, and worse painful. Warts can be especially painful and difficult to treat if they are on the feet. Warts on the bottom of the foot are the toughest. If you suffer from pain caused by plantar warts you should see a foot doctor for treatment.

When warts are on the bottom of the foot they may take years to go away, and tend to multiply. This is why seeking treatment from a Podiatrist early is the best option available.

laser therapy for plantar warts

laser therapy for heel pain

laser therapy for heel pain

We can help patients suffering with your acute or chronic pain. Low intensity laser therapy can provide pain relief by reducing pain and inflammation.
How can Laser treatment help with inflammation? Low-level Laser Light therapy (LLLT) and LED (light emitting diode) therapy was recently proven to reduce inflammation.

The laser light does this by penetrating deep into the tissue and the low level light therapy does this by healing the underlying tissue at a cellular level.

Laser treatments are also effective pain management for neuropathic pain. Dr. Sheth at Gauld Foot & Ankle is proud to be a local podiatrist offering low power laser therapy for anybody in Marietta and the surrounding area suffering with foot or ankle joint pain.

call us today for a consultation.

At Gauld Foot and Ankle, we specialize in laser therapy treatment. Our diagnostic treatment plan is designed to help you find the most effective treatment option. If you’re interested in seeking treatment, please don’t hesitate to contact us or make an appointment.